Rossland Age-Friendly Action Plan

District of Highlands, BC

Project Description

After receiving Age-Friendly Community funding – administered by the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) – Rossland embarked on an age-friendly action planning process. The Whistler Centre for Sustainability assisted the City of Rossland by: designing and implementing an engagement strategy; establishing a region-wide task force; conducting an age-friendly assessment; and facilitating the development of the action plan.

Community engagement included a community survey (one for people under 60 and another for people over 60), a community drop-in event, and a focused conversation. The task force of approximately 40 people from three communities across the Lower Columbia Region (Rossland, Montrose and Trail) included citizens, representatives from local seniors’ service providers, and local government agencies. We convened the group through a series of four workshops to inform the age-friendly planning process, which culminated in recommended actions for each community, as well as region-wide initiatives.

UBCM Age-Friendly Grants are available on an annual basis. Contact Shannon Gordon sgordon[at] or 604-906-0310 to discuss assistance with your application.

Sustainable Highlands ICSP

Project Details

Client: City of Rossland, BC
Completion Date: 2018
Website: City of Rossland 
Project Report: Rossland Age-Friendly Action Plan 2018