Project Description

Housing challenges exist across British Columbia and provincial legislation passed in 2018 requires that municipalities and regional districts in B.C. complete housing needs reports by April 2022, and every five years thereafter. A better understanding of municipal housing needs guides more effective municipal policy and partnerships for housing creation.  

Our work for Invermere in partnership with M’akola Development Services began with an overview of Invermere’s current housing availability, suitability, and affordability across the entire housing continuum from basic shelter to the availability of high-end real estate. The report included projections for future population growth and provided a breakdown of future housing unit need by type.  

Through the learning and engagement with community housing organizations, residents of Invermere and the Mayor’s taskforce on Housing we identified the following priority housing needs: purpose built rental housing, seniors’ housing and the development of smaller dwelling units.  

The detailed needs assessment guided research into best practices for Municipal housing support and the recommendation of bylaw and policies to update residential housing guidance contained within Invermere’s Official Community Plan (OCP). Short-term action recommendations to the Mayor’s Task Force on Housing also provided guidance on immediate initiatives to encourage the right type of housing development.  

Project Details

Client: District of Invermere 

Completion Date: February 2021  

Key Deliverable: Invermere Housing Needs Assessment & Affordable Housing Practices and Policy Recommendations Report