Dec 6, 2011 | BC, Collaboration, Events, Healthy Communities, Tourism, Whistler
The United Nations has designated December 11 as International Mountain Day and to mark the occasion, the Whistler Centre for Sustainability, in partnership with the Resort Municipality of Whistler and Tourism Whistler, is hosting a live videoconferencing event on...
Nov 3, 2011 | Community Planning, Shared Vision, Sustainability
I’ve got dreams on my mind – specifically community ones. With municipal elections on the near horizon and the current state of the global economy, I’ve been thinking lately about how our community will respond to these events. While my role at the Centre is to help...
Sep 30, 2011 | Alberta, BC, Energy
When it comes to the issues of energy and emissions, having a policy of “don’t worry, be happy” is probably not a good idea… Time Magazine’s 2006 Cover Page headline on their climate change story might be a more appropriate policy… “Be worried, be VERY worried.” Was...
Aug 25, 2011 | Events, Sustainability, Whistler
We are working with GranFondo Canada, the producers of the RBC GranFondo Whistler, on a sustainability strategy to make their events as sustainable as possible. This is the first event of this size in Whistler (apart from the 2010 Winter Games) that has developed a...
Jul 27, 2011 | BC, Business, Community Planning, Events, Sustainability, Whistler
From a marketers perspective, Whistler would appear to have it all; a year round product offering, quality infrastructure and natural resources and a world class reputation. Enough, you’d think for a thousand brochures. But what if Whistler had another resource? One...