Tofino Vision to Action (ICSP)

Tofino, BC

Project Description

The Centre worked with the District of Tofino’s Community Economic Development Advisory Committee to develop the community sustainability plan, Vision to Action. Based on the vision developed through their OCP update, Vision to Action elaborates on the community goals in each of five community areas, and identifies specific desired outcomes, strategic directions and actions. A number of Vision to Action Partners have committed to participating in the process to develop the plan, as well as to ongoing involvement in implementation of actions in their organizations.

District of Tofino Logo

Project Details

District of Tofino

Key Deliverable: Integrated Community Sustainability Plan
District of Tofino, BC
Completion Date: 2014
Project Plan: Tofino Vision to Action ICSP

Related Projects:
Tofino Tourism Master Plan
Tofino Strategic Plan 2015-2018