New housing resources from WCS

New housing resources from WCS

Many communities wonder about the benefits and administrative requirements of setting up a municipal housing organization. They also have questions about coming legislation requiring all municipalities to allow secondary suites and increased density in residential...
Having better conversations about hot topics

Having better conversations about hot topics

Community or public engagement is an essential part of most successful planning projects or decision-making initiatives. When it comes to hot topics that are polarizing, leading community engagement can be especially challenging. Here are some best practices that can...
Popsicles and 15-Minute Communities Funding  

Popsicles and 15-Minute Communities Funding  

The Popsicle Test While there are many ways to measure the safety and walkability of a neighbourhood the “popsicle test” beats the heat every time.   If you haven’t heard of it, the “popsicle test” is a personal assessment of whether an 8-year-old child can walk a few...